Gaming Communication Excellence

Ensuring responsible gaming communications are underpinned by brand credibility, trust, and value as foundational principles.

Building Credibility Through Targeted Acquisition Ads

Creative acquisition ads designed to highlight key brand USPs and offers, strategically developed to enhance credibility and drive user acquisition

Retention Strategies for Enhanced User Engagement

Retention campaigns, mega tournament UI/UX communication strategies, and product interface designs - meticulously crafted to enhance user engagement and activity on the platform, thereby driving brand loyalty and encouraging repeat participation.

Dynamic Promotions for Cricket Engagement

Thematic promotional initiatives designed to reignite user curiosity and engagement on the platform during key cricket seasons, such as the IPL and World Cup.

Intuitive User Safety and Education Solutions

User safety and education-focused product ingress pages, meticulously crafted with an emphasis on intuitive design and clear communication, while prioritizing security and reliability.

Regional Engagement and Education Initiatives

A regional translation initiative focused on enhancing communication around rummy strategies and upskilling capabilities for users across diverse Indian states. This initiative enables users to engage with the platform in their native languages, fostering a strong sense of community.

Empowering Players via Growth

Telegram-led community-building initiatives designed to share valuable tips and strategic insights with our players and user base. These initiatives foster a holistic rummy community through quizzes, contests, feature releases, product information, and tournament schedules.